This Section Reserved for Emergency Call to Action Messages only-

We are asking one and all to write to the city planning department ( and tell him to reject the zoning verification letter that Embarc needs for their new location. You can also call at (510)675-5419. Please let yourself be heard.


About Us

Who Are We?

You may wonder who we are and why we are speaking out. Who we are is surprisingly simple: we are your friends, your neighbors, the people you run into at the supermarket and share a few laughs with, or maybe even a few tears. You might not know our names but you know us because you see us everyday. You wave when you drive by and we wave back. And as neighbors, we share a common interest, namely, our neighborhoods and our community.

We feel that Union City has some serious problems. Spending in this city is out of control. Our tax rates are the highest in all of Alameda County. This city has gone from an All-American City to an all cannabis city in just a few years. In a few months, Union City is on track to have more cannabis dispensaries than New York City. This city has no laws that govern how far a cannabis dispensary must be from your children’s school or even your home. To this city and its leaders, next door is just fine by them.

In order to protect your home and your family, you need to find out the truth about the corruption and the arrogance of city government. I urge you to give us your email address so we can let you know what what is happening. If you have a few hours to help us pass out flyers, that’s great too. We just want to take back this city and make it a good place to live again. Take my word for it: You will not believe the corruption and the hubris of this city government until you see it with your own eyes.

Our Opinion Page

Just our two cents about what is happening in, and to, our city.

We believe Union City is on the verge of a rebirth and you can help make that happen. People from all over the city are learning of the absurdities that this Mayor and City Council are trying to foist off on the residents of this city, and they are sick and tired of it. City council meetings have devolved into nothing more than frantic searches for more and more revenue so that the reckless spending sprees can continue unabated. The city has yet to learn that a balanced budget is a goal, not a punchline.

In its insatiable greed for more of your tax dollars, the city has apparently decided to self-identify as the the cannabis capitol of California, if not the United States. In a short time, this city will have more operating recreational marijuana retailers than New York City, with less than 1% of the population. This voracious appetite for your money also has led this city to turn a blind eye to what it is approving and ignore compliance follow ups. The city’s resolution, approved in November, 2017 establishing marijuana retailers (as well as other classifications) called for medicinal marijuana only. When the city learned that the retailers were selling on a recreational basis, they speedily changed their own law to allow for recreational marijuana sales. I always thought that the government created laws and people were expected to follow them, not the other way around. If that does not demonstrate the hubris and the outright contempt this city has for the residents, I don’t know what does. Their thinking is: Here is a law. If you don’t like it, we’ll change it until you do like it. Do you appreciate living in a city that does that? Are they going to do that for retail theft next? Or child abuse? Do you like people who are “in the pocket” of companies like Embarc creating rules for you? It makes you wonder who the people on the city council are really representing.

Where the city has been increasingly active is in the approval of new marijuana store locations. Unfortunately, there are no known restrictions governing where these stores can be located. Recently, a new location was vetoed by the police when they discovered that they could not protect other businesses in the same strip mall or residents in the area, one a mere 36 feet from the rear door to the store. The city has discovered a new location, on the border between Fremont and Union City, immediately across the street from the entrance to a religious children’s school. Location, location, location.

Apart from marijuana-related businesses, the city is looking under rocks for other ways to relieve you of your cash. In November, 2020, voters approved Measure WW which imposed a 5% tax on utility bills, specifically electricity, gas, video, and phone services. There is a proposal before the city council now to increase that tax. Another proposal before the city council is to reintroduce a parcel tax on real estate in the city. City voters rejected this the last time it was before them. The mayor is afraid the parcel tax will not pass as it requires a 2/3 majority vote to pass. Councilman Patino is opposed to the increase in the utility use tax for an interesting reason. In his mind, people will see the increased utility tax on their utility bills every month while the parcel tax will be noticed far less often. Mr. Patino is afraid that people will be reminded of the tax more often and that it may hurt his prospects when he runs for other elected offices.  

Interestingly, what you never hear is anyone talking about reducing spending. One fact: Salaries in Union City are higher than comparable positions in other jurisdictions, including  San Francisco. Union City has painted itself into a corner in terms of salaries and labor costs including pensions, and there may not be any way out. The city has no choice now but to severely increase fees and taxes just to maintain the status quo. That is, unless a new government takes charge and makes the cuts necessary to create a balanced budget. 

Over the next several months, citizens of this city are planning to take actions that could radically change the political climate in this city. To do this, to take back control of this city from the corrupt ineptitude that permeates this city government like a plague, we need your help.  One way you can do that is to get involved. Give us your email address and we will keep you informed about what is happening in this city, who is making that happen, and what you can do about it. Please help us create a new day for Union City and make this city safe, free of crime and corruption, and a good place to live for all of us.

calendar of events


The Union City Council meets at 7:00 PM on the second and fourth Tuesdays each month unless interrupted by an upcoming  holiday or some other issue where members will be absent. The agenda is published and is available a few days before the meeting. You can get copies of several documents emailed to you on the city website.  


Coming soon, another spine tingling, thought provoking, eye op[ening, action packed notice of somewhere you need to be, so please mark your calendars.


Coming soo, another spine tingling, thought provoking, eye opening, action packed notice of somewhere you need to be, so please mark your calendars.

Welcome to the Save Union City Blog, the lastest news and updates from your Friends at SAVEUNIONCITY.COM



Tackling the Menace: Union City Police Crackdown on Drug-Related Burglaries In recent weeks, the Union City Police Department achieved a significant victory in their ongoing battle against crime with the apprehension of a group of burglars responsible for the brazen...

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In recent years, the burgeoning cannabis industry has captured widespread attention, promising economic booms and tax windfalls for local municipalities. Among the pioneers in this industry was ‘High Times’, a renowned brand synonymous with cannabis culture via its...

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Debate surrounding legalization of pot has sparked discussions on various fronts, including its potential impact on socioeconomic disparities. In recent years, there has been growing concern about the proliferation of pot shops, particularly in low-income...

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                                                     Council Member Jaime Patino                    510/675-5616

                                                     Council Member Scott Sakakihara                   510/675-5623

                                                    Mayor Carol Dutra-Vernaci                            510/675-5325

                                                    Police Chief Jared Rinetti                                 510/675-5278

                                                    Council Member Gary Singh                                  510/675-5614

                                                     Council Member Jeff Wang                       510/675-5624


1 + 11 =

We always need Volunteers to spread the word. Please take a minute and get involved in this vital cause to protect your families,  your homes, and your community.



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